At some point in your life you have to start giving things up… I have not been posting due to the fact I have been really fuckin busy. I wish I could to continue to post everyday, but I will try to update my blog once a week from now on or until I do not have the time.
I just do not want to become that “guy” who posts nothing but shit on his /her blog. I feel I do not put the following:
I woke up. I am depressed. Why am I here. Ate pizza. So depressed.
I think I have a good blog. A good blog. I will continue to update everyone on my life including all the podcasts. It just will be here and there…
I know some of my good friends in Pekin are reading this everyday and I will still contact you guys and gals.
Hey! Can I ask what’s this template you are using in your blog? thanks.
I believe the template I am using today is “old school 10”.
Send me an email if you need something.